(2017.09.25)  The former city mayor of Naga, Philippines, Valdemar Chiong, led 43 Naga Councilors visiting Beitou Refuse Incineration Plant, Department of Environmental Protection, Taipei City Government, on September 25, 2017. 

Director Madam Chiu and senior engineer Mr. Ku warmly welcomed the visitors with a professional and marvelous presentation in connection with the system operation of the Beitou Beitou Refuse Incineration Plant.

Photo Gallery


(2017.08.28) The 2nd Asian Councils Forum (ACF), 2017 Global Councils Forum (GCF) and the Annual Meeting of TCF have been successfully held at the Taipei City Council on August 26, 2017 in Taipei City, Taiwan.

The Conference brought together a total of 200 participants from eight countries in Asia and elsewhere, including Japan, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Tuvalu, Malaysia and Mongolia, among others.

This year, the number of the nations and participants from Local Councilors Assemblies, Parliamentary Speakers and local councilors has reached the highest level so far.

In the afternoon panel sessions, when practical experiences from local councilors collided with academic theories from local renowned scholars, the resulting exhilarating discussion attracted local media and nearly 200 attendees to participate in on-site activities.

Please click the following links to view photos of the event and presentations of each session.

Opening Ceremony & TCF Chairman’s Remarks (EN+CH)

Keynote Speech by Lee Hong-yuan (Topic Theme: Local Governance and Social Innovation in 4C Era) (EN+CH)

Global Councils Forum (Theme: Best Practice of Collaboration between Local Councils and Civil Society Organizations) (EN+CH)

Session A1: Local Demand and Social Innovation (CH)

Session A2: Local Tourism and Transport Infrastructures ( CH)

Session A3: Participatory Budgeting and Local Councils (CH)

Session A4: Best Practice in Your Local Council (EN+CH)

Session B1: Positive & Effective Check (CH)

Session B2: Constructively Conflict (CH)

Session B3: Problem-oriented Communication ( CH)

Session B4: Cross-region Cooperation (EN+CH)

Conclusions of Panel Discussion and Closing Ceremony ( EN+CH)

Photos Gallery , and the Record Report of the Forum. (Part 1: morning sessions; Part 2: afternoon sessions)


(June 6, 2017) The 2nd Asian Councils Forum (ACF) and 2017 Global Councils Forum (GCF) and the Annual Meeting of Taiwan Local Councils Representatives Community Forum (TCF) will be held in Taipei, Taiwan 

Time: August 25-27, 2017 

Place: Taipei City Council  

Key Theme: Local Governance and Social Innovation in 4C Era

TCF will provide simultaneous translations services (English -Chinese and Japanese-Chinese, vice versa) throughout the August 26 meeting. We encourage you to participate in the ACF & GCF Conference and hopefully, you can pass this message on to members of your organization interested in participating in the August Conference. 

(The event was over)


(December 8, 2016)  TCF’s President, Lin Chin-chang, as accompanied by local councilors and local domestic colleges’ professors, was invited by Philippine Councilors League (PCL) to attend the first Asian Councils Forum (ACF) held in Manila, the Philippines on December 4-7, 2016.

President Lin delivered six presentations on “The Role of Local Legislative Assemblies in Governance and Decentralization”, “The Implications of Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change to Local Governments”, “The Issues in Inter-Local Government Relations and Cooperation”, “The Role of the Local Assemblies in Promoting Trade and Investment Opportunities in the Asian Region” and so on.

The participation of the delegates of TCF has enriched the content of the meeting and enhanced the exchange and collaboration between the members of PCL and TCF.

Please use the links to view the whole report on the first Asian Councils Forum (ACF) and photos (day 1 , day 2  and day 3 ).



(November 19, 2016) 2016 TCF Annual Meeting and two thesis presentation conference presented by two local colleges’ professors have been successfully concluded on November 19, 2016 in Taipei City. TCF team has transcribed the presentation and provided here for the public. If you are interested in the presentations, please link below for further review. Only Chinese version is available. 

1. The Proposal of Upgrading the Role of Local Legislative Assemblies by Professor Fang Kai-hung (方凱弘), Dept. of Administrative Management, Shih-hsin University, Taiwan 

2. The Issues in Inter-Local Government Relations and Cooperation by Dr. Lee Yen-ju (李衍儒), National Taiwan University

Handbook of 2016 Asian Councilors Forum (ACF)

Photos gallery 

Video speeches by Professor Fang Kai-hung 方凱弘  and Lee Yen-ju 李衍儒 .


(November 17, 2016) UNALE (União Nacional dos Legisladores e Legislativos Estaduais) is an organization bringing together around common goals all state parliamentarians and all state legislatures in Brazil. On November 13-16, 2016, 12 delegations of the UNALE led by Chairwoman Ana Maria do Socorro Cunha Costa visited Taipei City after attending the China International Friendship Cities Conference held on November 9-11, 2016 in Chongqing China. The major purpose of their trip to Taiwan is to learn about the system and operation of the waste recycling in Taiwan. To meet their request, Taiwan Local Councils Representatives Community Forum (TCF) has arranged a two-day schedule during their brief stay on November 14-15, 2016, including visiting the Taipei City Council, Taipei Beitou Incinerator Plant, the Mission of Tzu Chi in Environmental Protection, Ta Ai Technologies Co., Ltd. and Taipei 101 Tower.

Link  to photos album and for the four days' journey (Chinese version only). 





(August 2, 2016) Lin Chin-chang, President of the Taiwan Local Councils Representatives Community Forum (TCF), visited Miguel Ángel Santalices Vieira, the Vice-President of CALRE (Conference of the Regional Legislative Assemblies of the European Union) as well as the President of Parlamento de Galicia, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain on August 2, 2016. After a brief greeting, President Santalices Vieira took about one hour to introduce the TCF members to each chamber at the parliament building.




(June 15, 2016) Lin Chin-chang, President of the Taiwan Local Councils Representatives Community Forum (TCF), delivered a speech on the mission, objects and the future of the TCF at the 2nd Quarterly NEO-NB Meeting held by Philippines Councilors League on June 13-15, 2016 at Cagayan De Oro City, Philippines. During the event, PCL National President Maybelyn Fernandez presented President Lin with a copy of the Resolution which PCL made at the end of 2015 in connection with hosting the very first Asia Councils Forum, ACF in brevity, in December 2016 in Manila, Philippines.

Link  to photos album and the journey report 


(March 14, 2016) Lin Chin-chang, President of the Taiwan Local Councils Representatives Community Forum (TCF), attended the 2016 General Meeting of the Japanese Local Councilors Alliance (JLCA, 日本會議地方議員連盟) on March 13, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan and made a speech during the Meeting to introduce the history, mission and service of TCF to the members of JLCA. 

  to photos album and take a look at the journey report .  




(October 26, 2015) Lin Chin-chang, President of the Taiwan Local Councils Representatives Community Forum (TCF), attended the CALRE 2015 Plenary Assembly and World Forum of Regional and Sub-National Legislative Assemblies on October 23-25, 2015 in Milan, Italy.


The international Forum offered all attendees from around the world a space where they can share ideas and jointly assess the issues of sovereignty and representation. Through discussion and experience sharing, the main theme of this year “Regional and local representation for a true global democracy” was expected, not based on a view of the academic theory on institutional principles, to investigate how the legislative Assemblies reinterpret those principles today in the service of their communities. 


The World Forum meeting has been recorded by the TCF team in Chinese. You can link to view the whole recording. 


Link  to photo gallery.


(August 29, 2015) 2015 GCF and TCF in Taipei have been successfully finished on August 29, 2015 in Taipei City Council.

The main themes of the conference highlighted the international communication and good practice in democratic politics and help the elected local government officials grasp the international trends to strengthen their democratic literacy and the interpellation abilities. We invited 3 representatives from the global parliamentary alliances, respectively from the CALRE (Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies), Japanese Local Councilors Alliance (日本會議地方議員連盟), and Philippine Councilors League (PCL), elected local government officials, including councilors, representatives and council staffs nationwide, and globally prestigious scholars from France, Mainland China and South Korea lecturing in the 2015 event. 


Link  to photo gallery and meeting reports .   



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